Your first visit

At Impression Orthodontics, your smile journey starts with a free consultation. This appointment provides you the opportunity to meet our team, tour our facilities, and ask questions about treatment. It also allows us to better understand the goals you have for treatment with us.

Before you start treatment, we will need to assess your smile to determine what type of treatment (if any) would benefit you. This takes place during your orthodontic assessment.

What happens at your orthodontic assessment

Your free consultation will take place with Dr Sanj, Dr Fabiana, or Dr Christophe. They will examine your smile and take measurements of your face and jaw joints. This will help them make the best treatment recommendations for you.

Exam outcomes

There are three common outcomes from your initial exam. Your Specialist Orthodontist may determine that:

  • Treatment is not required
  • Treatment should be delayed growth is most appropriate for treatment to occur
  • Treatment is recommended, and it is best to proceed now

Record taking

If we believe you could benefit from treatment we may recommend for diagnostic records to be taken. These could include:

  • Digital photographs - $50
  • Study models - $80
  • X-rays - $0*

*We will recommend a local x-ray clinic that will bulk bill you because you’re one of our very special patients!

What happens at your orthodontic assessment

What to expect atyour second appointment

If you want to continue with treatment, we will schedule a Diagnostic Evaluation and Treatment Planning session which costs $45. Prior to this visit, we will check your diagnostic records so we can provide an in-depth analysis of your treatment needs.

During the treatment planning session, your Specialist Orthodontist will outline the details of your prescribed custom treatment plan and associated fees. You will also have time to discuss our flexible payment options to work out how you would like to proceed with treatment.

At every step in the treatment process, we will keep you updated on your progress and any procedures or potential fees involved. There are never any surprises at our practice, and we want you to feel informed and confident during your treatment with us.

What to expect atyour second appointment

Start your smile journey today!

Book your free consultation with Impression Orthodontics to take the first step toward your very best smile.

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Start your smile journey today!
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