Latest technology

At Impression Orthodontics, we keep up with the very latest in orthodontic technology to ensure your treatment with us is as efficient and enjoyable as possible. Thanks to our cutting-edge equipment, you can enjoy increased precision and comfort in your smile journey.

3D iTero scanner

At your free consultation, we will use our state-of-the-art 3D iTero element scanner to take thousands of photos of your teeth in just seconds. This small, wand-like device completely does away with the need for messy bite moulds, making your experience more comfortable.

The iTero scanner has cutting-edge software called ClinCheck® programmed into it. This software allows us increased accuracy and flexibility when planning out your custom Invisalign® treatment.

*This product is not available for purchase by the general public. Always follow the directions for use.

3D iTero scanner

See into the future with ClinCheck® software

Once we’ve used our iTero scanner to take pictures of your smile, the ClinCheck® software creates an accurate 3D model of your smile. We will use this model to craft bespoke sets of aligners that fit your smile exactly.

ClinCheck® allows us to see what position your teeth will take through every step of treatment, so we can smoothly plan your smile journey from start to finish. We can even use the model to show you what your smile will look like at the end of treatment - before we begin!

See into the future with ClinCheck® software

See our iTero scanner in action

Book a free consultation to experience our incredible orthodontic technology in person.

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See our iTero scanner in action
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