Removable appliances

Correct orthodontic issues early on with the removable appliances at Impression Orthodontics. These early intervention treatments can gently shape your child’s smile and prevent the need for more extensive treatment in their teenage years.

What is a removable appliance?

A removable appliance in orthodontics is a small plate worn to correct early dental problems. Removable appliances are commonly used to fix bite problems like overbites, and can help with jaw expansion and tooth movement as well.

Removable appliances come in many varieties, and our Specialist Orthodontists will be able to determine the best appliance for your child’s needs. The plates can be personalised in fun ways with colours, sparkles, or even a picture placed within the plastic.

What is a removable appliance?

Treatment with removable appliances

During treatment, we will schedule regular appointments to inspect the appliance and adjust the plastic or wires as needed to guide your child’s smile into proper alignment. Your child will be given detailed instructions on how to wear their appliance.

The plate may take one or two days to get used to, and we may instruct your child to only wear the plate at night in the beginning. Speech and saliva flow may be affected at first, but these will quickly return to normal as your child adjusts to the appliance.

Removable appliances may be taken out for eating and cleaning. When taking out the plate, it is important to place it in its protective box to avoid loss or damage.

Treatment with removable appliances

Get the most out of your treatment

It is important to wear the plate exactly as prescribed. Removing the appliance too often can prevent it from fitting properly, which will require a new appliance to be made. Your child should also refrain from clicking the appliance in and out with their tongue, as this will loosen it.

When removing the plate, your child should take it out using the back wires instead of the front wire, as this can distort the appliance. They should also clean their appliance at least twice a day with toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Remember, our Specialist Orthodontists have spent eight years at university training and treated thousands of patients, so they will know if the rules have been bent!

If the removable appliance is lost or damaged, please call us as soon as possible so we can make a replacement. An extra charge may apply.

Get the most out of your treatment

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