Fast Invisalign® treatment options

At Impression Orthodontics, we understand that you don’t want to undergo treatment any longer than necessary. We use the latest techniques and technology to ensure your treatment goes as swiftly and smoothly as possible.

Not all treatment needs to take a year or two. In fact, some patients with minor orthodontic issues can benefit from our fast Invisalign® treatment options. At your free consultation, you can find out if you are a candidate for Invisalign® Lite or Invisalign® Express treatment.

*This product is not available for purchase by the general public. Always follow the directions for use.

Invisalign® Lite

Invisalign® Lite is an Invisalign® treatment designed for mild orthodontic issues with the front six teeth. If you just have crooked front teeth, or a gap you’ve been meaning to fix, Invisalign® Lite might be a great option for you.

At Impression Orthodontics, we offer both Invisalign® Lite for top and bottom teeth, and Invisalign® Lite Single Arch, with just one aligner for either your upper or lower teeth. In either case, Invisalign® Lite can achieve results in just six month’s time.

Invisalign® Lite

Invisalign® Express

Invisalign® Express is the fastest Invisalign® treatment option. Designed to treat very minor misalignments in the front six teeth, Invisalign® Express can straighten your smile in a little as three months!

Invisalign® Express

Could you benefit from fast treatment?

Book your free orthodontic consultation today to find out if fast treatment is right for your smile.

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Could you benefit from fast treatment?
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